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About Andromeda


Most of my friends call me Romie, but I also go by Andy or A-Chan. Feel free to use whichever.

I love to watch Anime and play Video Games.

Right now the anime I'm really into is Sailormoon. It's like a comedy with a dash of romance, seriousness, friendship, a few battles with evil and a life message.

I own a PlayStation2 and a Gameboy that's falling apart. My favorite genres are RPG's, Adventure and Strategy games. My all time favorite game series would have to be Final Fantasy, which my mother got me hooked on. Since we both like the same games we get to swap them when we are done. It's like paying half price for one! Thanks Mom!

I spent most my life growing up in Darien, Georgia. I have also lived in Liberty New York (where I was born), Hollywood Florida, Statesboro Georgia, Palatka Florida, Brunswick Georgia, Kingsland Georgia and Buffalo New York. Buffalo was my favorite place to live. I meet my best friends there, Jeni Fuer and Julie Gwizdowski. Hey Julie, If you ever see this site, drop me a line.

The Story Behind My Site

This site came about because one of my friends convinced me to do one. Thank you Drogan. Now let's see if I can do this right.

My Friends

I would like to thank Drogan for convincing me to do this. 

I just want to give a big THANKS to my friends who put up with me. VX510 - We both love dragons.  Vinz - Who I met through Orange Anime....oddly enough it started out with my complaining about something.  RoninDavid - He's become a great friend.  Wish I could be there more for him than I am.  He needs real life huggles.  Cashew -  The guy is a nut!  And he's blackmailing me, so I have to say something nice!  Jake - An ocean might seperate us, but we've become good friends.  Frog - Who I've known for quite a few years now and helps supply me with my anime.

Then there are my girlies that I RolePlay with. MavismishelJennSuravaa, and Alenami.

Can't forget the guys I role play with. Ollie....well, that's the only name I know him by.  Jupiter Knight, Rift, Striker.

Send me an email! I like to make new friends!


My Yahoo Group.

Ozzers Tavern