Sailor Orion

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Sailor Orion

Pic by Cresent16. Background by Droganfire.

Sailor Orion is the Twin of Sailor Andromeda. Also known as Sailor Star Orion.


Saior Orion/Sailor Star Orion

*Name: Sailor Star Orion
*Planet/Power based on: Orion Star System
*Earth Name: Aaron Romeda
*Age: 17
*Birthday: November 25th
*Hair: Violet
*Eyes: Violet
*Weight: 200 lbs
*Gemstone: Diamond
*Blood Type: AB
*Favorite color: Violet
*Hobbies: Playing Football and Baseball
*Strengths: Takes Control of Tough Situations
*Weaknesses: Being Distant from People
*Weapons: Silver Throwing Stars (Shurikens)
*Henshin Device: Diamond set in a Silver Ring
*Transformation Phrase: ORION STAR POWER MAKE UP
*Powers/Attack phrases: Orion Star Shine, Orion Black Hole Engulf, Orion Meteorites Fall
*Normal appearance: White Long Sleeve Shirt, Black Jeans, Black Combat Boots. Hair is short. It just touches the collar of his shirt in the back and the sideburns are short. Same style as Darien/Mamoru just a little longer in back.
*Senshi appearance: Male Sailor Outift. The Top is White with a Violet Flap with Silver Trim,
Silver Pants, Violet Boots (can only see what sticks out at the bottom of his pant legs).
*Background/Character history: Prince Orion/Sailor Orion's Kingdom was taken over by an evil dark force. He was put into a deep sleep and sent to Earth. He is a few years older than the rest of the Senshi are. He is a Senior in highschool. As an orphan He lives alone but in the same apartment building as his sister and works at the same Night Club on the weekends as a bouncer to earn money.

Attack Explanation

*ORION STAR SHINE - Sailor Orion raises his hands together over his head and when the phrase is shouted a silver star forms in her hands. Then it leaves his hands in a star shaped beam and hits his target.
*ORION BLACK HOLE ENGULF - Sailor Orion raises his hands above his head, shouts the phrase and moves his hands apart. Inbetween his hands forms a black hole. It is then thrown over his target and energy is sucked out of the target. It can only be done once during a battle because it is very draining. If done with his sister it will be large enough to suck the target in and destroy it.
*ORION METEORITES FALL - Sailor Orion holds one hand over his head and shouts the phrase. Then numerous meteorites hit his target.

*WEAPON - Silver Throwing Stars (Shurikens)- Is used when an attack is not needed or when there isn't time to summon an attack. It's used like a physical attack.

His attacks and outfit colors are similar to his sisters because they are twins.

Evil Sailor Orion/Sailor Star Orion