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Welcome to Andromeda's Place

Updated 11/20/03

I'm so glad you came here to my site! I have lots of Sailor Moon pics and some other anime pics as well. This site is also home to my two character creations, Sailor Andromeda and Sailor Orion. There is a third, Sailor Aurora, but she looks like Andromeda and is the same personality wise as Orion. I've been working on a Fan Fic and I hope you will take the time to read it and tell me what you think. You can either do this by signing the guestbook, saying something on the corkboard, or sending me an email.

Thanks for stopping by!

Have something to say? Put it on the corkboard!

My Corkboard

Name Translations

Tsukino Usagi/Serena - Rabbit of the Moon

Chiba Mamoru/Darien - Earth Place Protector

Chibi Usa/Rini - Small Rabbit

Hino Rei/Rei/Sailor Mars - Beauty of the fire (Rei = beauty, Hino = fire)

Mizuno Ami/Amy/Sailor Mercury - Friend of the water (Ami = Beloved, Mizu = water)

Kino Makoto/Lita/Sailor Jupiter - Keeper of the wood (Makoto is Sincere OR keeper, Ki = wood)

Aino Minako/Mina/Sailor Venus - Goddess of love (Minako = Goddess, Ai = love)

Meiou Setsuna/Trista/Sailor Pluto - Instant King of Darkness

Ten'ou Haruka/Amara/Sailor Uranus - Faraway King of Heaven

Kaiou Michiru/Michelle/Sailor Neptune - Full King of the Ocean

Tomoe Hotaru/Hotaru/Sailor Saturn - Firefly of Earth

Seiya Kou/Sailor Starfighter - Light of the Star Arrow

Taiki Kou/Sailor Starmaker - Light of the Big Air

Yaten Kou/Sailor Starhealer - Light of the Night Sky

Princess Kakyuu - Princess Fireball

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